Hello Charlotte Wiki

The Pause Menu is a staple UI feature that appears in each Hello Charlotte RPG title. It is easily accessed by pressing the Esc key, and will present the player with several options depending on the title upon opening.


The Pause Menu undergoes iterative changes throughout the series while maintaining its overall format and simplicity. Screenshots of the Menu can be compared in the Gallery down below; observe that following Hello Charlotte Episode 1, the party icons are now unique instead of simply using the character's default dialogue expression.


The Menu is structurally identical in the first two titles, though the presentation differs quite a bit between the two. The following elements can be found in both:

  • STUFF - Where the player can view their collected items and tasks. (See the Inventory page for more details.)
  • REWIND POINT - Allows the player to record their progress in any of 16 save slots. This is disabled for most of Episode 1, as the player will be forced to make use of designated save points after progressing far enough into the game.
  • EXIT - Displays the following:
    • TITLE SCREEN(HC1)/TO TITLE(HC2) - Returns the player to the game's title screen.
    • QUIT - Immediately shuts the game down.
    • CANCEL - Returns the player to the Pause Menu.


Hello Charlotte Episode 2 removes the default stats that appear next to the party members' icons, which are never used to begin with in any of the games.


Hello Charlotte: Delirium used more or less the same menu seen in its predecessors, simply relabeling them as the following:

  • things (Inventory)
  • memory (Save slots)
  • run (Exit options)
    • to title
    • run away (Closes game)
    • cancel


Also worth noting is that the stats that displayed in HC1 that were removed in the sequel are now back, but in all black now; as mentioned earlier, nothing is done with them in spite of their return.


The new Menu introduced in Hello Charlotte Episode 3 adds an additional Gallery option and uses different names for its elements. The menu will now undergo aesthetic changes depending on the character under player control and other special circumstances.

  • items (Inventory)
  • gallery - A catalog of CGs used in the game, unlocked by viewing them in-game. Blank initially.
  • save
  • quit
    • to title
    • quit
    • cancel


The variant Pause Menus for HC3 will be added when the screenshots are supplied.
